
15 Exercises to Get the Best Butt Ever

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30 June, 2024 • Updated 19 days ago
15 Exercises to get the Best Butt Ever
2015 was the year of Yoga pants, as they became the new jeans. The trend picked up so much that women started working on their butts as everyone started wearing Yoga Pants and flat butts doesn’t look any good in them.

Kim Kardashian’s butt was talk of the town back in 2014 but last year, new internet celebrities emerged by posting butt selfies which includes Amanda Elise Lee, a fitness instructor with over 2 million followers and Jen Selter who has around 10 million followers combined on all social media platforms with her Instagram account being the most followed at 8.3 million.

But, it turns out that working on your butt not only makes you look good but it has a lot of health benefits too and you don’t need fancy fitness equipments like a treadmillelliptical machine, or a rowing machine, all you need is a yoga mat and start working out.

Health Benefits of Butt Workout

Before you get to work on your gluteal muscles, there are a few things to know, such as its benefits and the tips to have a better performance.

There are a number of health benefits of working on your gluteal muscles, like improved blood circulation, less muscle fatigue, reduced chances of injuries, strengthening of the core, burning more calories, and having a better posture.

Although the progress won’t be visible right away, you can pump up the workout for faster results. Here are some tips to know before you start working out:

  • when working out, tighten your abdomen and glutes
  • always maintain proper posture to avoid injury
  • rest for 24 hours between exercises to let your body heal
  • gradually add more weight and include different exercises to grow your muscles

In the following infographic, you can find the tips and the types of exercises, and the number of sets that can help you to get the best butt ever.

15 Exercises to Get the Best Butt Ever infographic

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